Joe of the Disney pop-rock group The Jonas Brothers is on the cover of Details Magazine’s April 2011 issue.
Here’s an excerpt of the interview with the 21-year-old heartthrob from
On living on his own in L.A.: “[My place] is like my mini New York. I got my gym a few blocks away. I like to watch all the crazy characters in the neighborhood.”
On branching outside the Jonas Brothers: “I’m growing up, the fans are growing up. I’ve gone through a lot of stuff in my life so far. There are stories I haven’t really been able to tell. When you’re writing with three people, you wind up with a sound that might be – not average – but, you know, expected.”
On getting his heart broken two years ago: “I won’t say her name. But I was in a relationship, and we tried to work things out, and she, you know – I was really upset because she, she broke up with me.”
On his relationship with Ashley Greene: “[It] feels good. I think what works about it is she really puts my feelings first. She understands my busy schedule. She’ll fly out to my shows – she’s been to places in South America that I can’t even pronounce.”
Joe Jonas – Details April 2011 Cover originally appeared on Starmometer on March 16, 2011.