One day is not enough! Find out why in SMART’s “Prepaid All Text 30 Plus” TV commercial featuring basketball star/host Chris Tiu with DLSU’s Michelle Gumabao & Rochelle Sison (DLSU Lady Spikers), UP’s Alex Castro (UP student council president) & Irish Planes (UP Pep Squad), and Ateneo’s Von Pessumal, Kris Porter & Juami Tiongson (Ateneo Blue Eagles).
I love traveling. Experiencing a foreign culture, exploring new places, and tasting exotic food satisfy my wanderlust. And sometimes, I just let my two itchy feet take me to an adventure filled with discoveries and serendipity and then I will blog all about it.
That’s why when touring my favorite out-of-the-country destinations like Singapore and Hong Kong, one day is not enough. There are so much to discover and so many places to explore. Even a one day itinerary to Universal Studios in Singapore or Disneyland in Hong Kong will still feel “bitin” as I find myself wanting to return to these attractions in the future. One day is definitely NOT enough.
The same thing is true when you have unlimited text to all network but you have to use it within 24 hours, it’s “bitin.” That’s why SMART came out with the “Prepaid All Text 30 Plus.” Now you can do more work and can message more friends and relatives because the usual unlitext will now last for two days! And there’s a bonus because aside from 48 hours of unlimited text to all network, you will also get 30 minutes of free calls to Smart and Talk ‘n Text.
So if you’re a SMART Prepaid subscriber, just text AT30 to 2827 and enjoy this promo!
Watch the “One Day is Not Enough” TV commercial below featuring Chris Tiu with Ateneo, La Salle & UP’s “student rockstars”:
Do you want to win P1000 worth of SMART load? Here’s how:
1. Follow @starmometerblog on Twitter.
2. Answer this question: What are the things you cannot do in just one day?
3. Share your answer by clicking on “TWEET” at the bottom of this article and tagging @starmometerblog. Use the hash tag #OneDayIsNotEnough
For example:
#OneDayIsNotEnough when writing a romantic novel or composing a song @starmometerblog-or-
I want to see the waterfalls, the beaches, the tarsiers and the chocolate hills in Bohol #OneDayIsNotEnough @starmometerblog
4. Two winners (P1,000 SMART load each) will be chosen based on creativity.
5. Deadline for entries is on April 14, 2013, 11:59pm (Manila time). The two winners will be announced on April 15.