Gay DC character: an established DC superhero will come “out” in the coming days. So who will it be? Superman? Batman? Robin? Aquaman?
The news about the coming out of one established DC character is now boggling geeks and comic fans all over the world.
According to DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio, a previously announced (and previously straight) superhero will be coming out of the closet in an unspecified upcoming edition.
“One of the things we’re very focused on doing for these types of stories is rather than [change an existing] character, we want to make sure that this is the basis of who that character is right from the start,” he said.
This isn’t the first time that a major comic book publisher has tackled the subject of homosexuality. Rictor and Shatterstar of Marvel’s “X-Factor” series are a gay couple. Also from Marvel, Hulkling and Wiccan from the Young Avengers universe are gay. But these characters are gay from the beginning.
However, DC’s gay character is previously straight. He or she is also an established character so “coming out of the closet” will definitely send shockwaves across the universe.
Gay DC Character to be Revealed originally appeared on Starmometer on May 21, 2012.