If you are thinking of starting a Kickstarter project, it is of immense importance that you market your Kickstarter idea to the maximum. Before starting the project, you should plan ahead. For many business enthusiasts, Kickstarter is a priceless option if they want to turn their idea into reality.
Launching a campaign can be a frightening exercise. The success of this solely relies on more than enthusiasm and having an awesome product. Therefore, unless you develop a clear strategy for raising money, you will likely miss your goal. There are several Kickstarter project marketing techniques you can employ. Check out the following tips to create a successful Kickstarter project.
1. Ensure Your Idea is Good for Kickstarter
You should assess the situation before diving into your idea. Not all ideas are perfect for Kickstarter or crowdfunding in general. Whilst Kickstarter may seem like the best place for making a quick buck; not all ideas are cut out for it. You should begin by doing research from various sites to check out if other people have had success with your idea before.
Kickstarter claims to be the best place for artists and creative persons to come together and design great stuff. However, most of its money comes from big-budget films, design, technology and games. So to say, well-designed projects on the platform raise more money and gains more attention.
2. Create Good Rewards
Always remember that your Kickstarter idea isn’t a charity program. Donations are offered in exchange for rewards and donors should feel that the donation they pay vis-à-vis the reward is a win-win. Backers won’t come to help out of their kindness but come aiming to be part of something aspiring to be great and get something from the transaction.
For instance, if you are making a phone case, let those cases be a reward. If you are writing a book, let the book be the reward. You should price your product rewards accordingly. Conduct thorough market search, find out the ideal margin and set a price base.
Besides, you should consider offering multiple rewards that scale upwards gradually in price. The various scaling price points should be within the range that people are able to give. Ensure that the cheapest rewards are appealing, but with limited options to avoid overwhelming potential donors.
3. Strictly Follow the Rules
As Kickstarter continually adapts to the ebb-and-flow of crowdfunding sensation, this is increasingly becoming more important. It is important for every entrepreneur to keep an eye on his campaign to get funding and bring specific ideas into life. So to say, the entire Kickstarter team will not approve anything that does not follow the required product-funding model.
Projects that genuinely benefit customers from Kickstarter with highest funds often have a broad fit with the market. They are also somehow innovative and low priced.
4. Have a Realistic Funding Goal
Any average Kickstarter project raises something short of $10,000 and an average pledge less than $100. Therefore, don’t be carried away, thinking that you will raise thousands from the platform. Begin by calculating the exact amount you will need to bring your idea to life.
Factor in all the necessities required to run the project. Aim high with your idea but don’t dream too big. It is possible to start smaller then scale up once your campaign is successful. You should also remember that you need to pay taxes depending on the money raised and Kickstarter charges a 5% fee on the funds raised through the platform.
As you create your funding goal, note that 30-day campaigns may perform better compared to longer ones. 30-day campaigns will likely meet their expected fundraising goals easily.
5. Create Killer Content
You will be campaigning on a platform, and therefore, your content should be top-notch and undoubtedly convincing. Take your time and effort to make every word of your content count. Additionally, unless you are certain that your photography skills are exceptional; consider investing in getting good photography.
Your content should clearly outline where the raised money is going. You should also be the face of the campaign as people will be more willing to donate only if they know if your case is genuine. Whatever story you will craft in your content, you will not only be selling your idea or products but also your story. Provide a contact point, be it email or phone number where donors can contact you with questions and issues.
Video content has slowly gained a lot of attention recently. Kickstarter projects that feature videos in their campaigns are more likely to get funding. If you decide to include this, be wary of the video quality. If you can’t make a quality video, consider hiring someone to do this for you.
Like any other marketing videos, remember to keep them short – say 3 minutes. Online users have a short attention span. Therefore, take minimal time to engage them with your Kickstarter idea before their attention runs out.
6. Leverage Your Network
Since you are aiming to raise funds, a larger network is always better. Your network should include family members, friends, and email list. Don’t think that you will set up a campaign and watch as money rolls in. Well, you might get some few random strangers who might stumble and be interested in your campaign and donate. However, you need to tap into your network and promote it heavily. Since you’ll be on a deadline, you could benefit immensely from using a LinkedIn message automation tool.
Reach out to your fans on social media, your personal contacts and convince them to donate once your campaign goes live. Getting funds immediately, your project goes live will positively impact strangers who come across your campaign. You should also consider investing in PR to widen the reach and visibility of your campaign.
7. Update Your Supporters
Once your project is up and running, it is good to get back to your supporters on its progress. Create informational blog posts and videos to update your fan base. In this case, don’t use a mass message, but rather reach out to them directly.
To have full information about progress, use various metrics to analyze the campaign. Use analytics from both Google and Kickstarter to monitor your progress.
Creating a successful Kickstarter project might not be as simple as it looks. However, all you need to do is be wary of the various tips and tweaks of bringing your ideas into life. Once your project comes to life, don’t forget to send out rewards as promised. Include thank you notes and don’t use mass messaging.