It’s like everybody’s talking about it, but nobody really prepared you for it.
Fret not, millennials! Brothers Jesse and Christian Perkins, famously known as the Perkins Twins, are “perkinspired” to share tips and views with you on growing up as the newest hosts of the upcoming season of #iCanBreakThrough’s BreakTambayan.
Together with Trish Chu, the twins will share their experiences on how to face this life season in BreakTambayan, an online show of insightful talks on relevant concerns Filipino millennials face.
“We talked about adulting – how you can manage money, how to deal with relationships – and some really important things that we, young adults, need to face. This is another perspective that you can get and we are hoping you would be inspired and encouraged,” Jesse shares.
Empowering others is not a new thing for the duo. Aside from a budding career in the entertainment industry, they tour schools nationwide to inspire the youth on good values through their partnership with various government agencies, and their Kaibigan movie tour.
The brothers see the show as an opportunity to answer millennials’ questions and help people find a way to live life that is God-glorifying and beneficial – all in a light and fun way. When asked what sets BreakTambayan apart from their other projects, the show’s purpose stood out among the rest.
“It’s really amazing in BreakTambayan kasi (because) that platform is specifically designed to talk about the things my brother and I want to talk about. We’re able to speak more boldly about the things we believe in,” Jesse added.
The twins pondered that the show opens their hearts more on issues that matter and welcome you to join them as they showcase their humor and wits on adulting.
#ICanBreakThrough (ICBT) is an online campaign initiated by CBN Asia, producer of the shows The 700 Club Asia, Superbook, and Tanikala, aspiring to reach out to Filipino millennials who may be struggling, hurting, or seeking a community where they can belong to.
Visit and catch the PerkinsTwins as they join the “real talk” for the young grown-ups with host Trish Chu in BreakTambayan.